Monday, November 30, 2009

Bathroom Towel Storage Options Series Part Three-Open Shelves

Welcome back to my Bathroom Towel Storage Option Series! This time we will look at various options for storing towels on open shelves in a bathroom.  Enjoy the very diverse designs shown in the photos below.  Blessings.  …susan


Source: Bathrooms by Chris Casson Madden

^The built-in shelves seen in the photo above serves many functions including a shelf for a television, audio controls, books, towel storage, and toiletries. I like how they used different colors of towels to enhance the shelves. I am not sure how functional and safe it is to have a lamp on the vanity counter. I do like the wall mount of the faucet instead of it being mounted on the vanity counter.


Source: Timber Homes Illustrated

^I am assuming on the opposite end of the vanity which is not seen is the same medicine cabinet with open shelf for towels as shown above. This will provide a generous amount of space for towel storage. Note on the left side of the photo is the bath tub and there is a basket with wash cloths.



Source: The Bathroom Idea Book by Andrew Wormer

^I like the thickness of the glass shelves shown above though I tend to shy away from glass shelves due to the fact the dust they collect is usually quite noticeable.


^Source Unknown-if you know the source and contact me I will note it.

I like these cubby holes created in the stone. Also not the side wall above the vanity is on an angle.  I like the long hardware handles used on the cabinets.


Source: The Bathroom Idea Book by Andrew Wormer

^An interesting design using an aquarium instead of a fireplace. Note there are more towels in the chest on the shelf above the aquarium which I assume are the wash cloths and hand towels.



Source: Bathrooms by Chris Casson Madden

^The glass shelves filled with floral printed towels shown above is a bit too busy for my taste though it offers another option for bathroom towel storage.


Source:  Bathrooms by House Beautiful

^An interesting and different kind of bathroom design that on first look appeared to me to be a his and her side with the towels and seated area dividing the two sides. Upon further inspection the wall behind the seated make-up area is a mirror. Note how the drawers are on an upward diagonal. Those look like some powerful lights mounted on the mirror above the make-up table.


  1. I love those little cubbies the best! Yeah to towel storage!

  2. The bathroom that looks like it's a his and hers styled bathroom is way too busy and a little tto much going on. Too much clutter, still the actual design isn't bad, different. i bought some bathroom furniture myself and it's a modern styled bathroom which is bright, big mirror in a traditional style with marble style flooring which looks great. nice blog.

  3. These are some very slick designs. I really wish that I did not live in a tract home with small bathrooms that are destined thus to remain. But I keep surfing the Internet, still looking, hoping... sounds like an old doo-wop song, huh? What I like very much about this kind of design, though, is its innovation. It gives me a lot to think about. And who knows? Maybe one fine day I will have a bathroom of my own to splash all over the Internet. But thank you for sharing these ideas.

  4. Hi, Susan, I love the cubbies and the built ins! We could really use something better in our little South Beach apartment... ;)

  5. This is your bathroom? I thought it’s a palace. It’s beautiful.

  6. OMG! I love your bathroom and your bath tub looks so cozy to have a bubble bath. I love it.

  7. All of the designs are amazing! I now have the idea on what design will I implement in my house.
    towel shelves
