Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hey there! This past week has been a whirlwind. Besides having the most precious visitor in my home, my grandson, Parker, (I will be posting photos), I was able to present a television show idea to the Scripps Network in Knoxville, TN which produces HGTV, GAC (Great American Country), DIY, and other television programs. The presentation does not involve me, but a friend who is an incredible talent. Though the TV show is a long shot, the presentation yielded some “homework” to do and a follow up meeting.  After leaving Knoxville, I headed to Charlotte, NC for the weekend and ended up in Greenville, SC earlier today to spend a few days with my daughter and her family.  I am hoping to get a post on my blog but with a fifteen month old grandson and and 27 month old granddaughter, it will be a challenge.  Blessings.  …susan

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